.Net Core Pipeline in Azure DevOps in 4 Steps

It is almost a standard today that the applications developed for any product, have in their life flow, with Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery mechanisms commonly called CI / CD for its acronym in English (Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery) that allow that a new version of the app can be delivered in real time or on demand according to the needs of the client.
Singular Technology 4D Service Models (v2-1)

Throughout my professional experience I have spoken with many entrepreneurs. Some very excited told me about their endeavors with phrases..
Singular Technology 4D Service Models (V2-2)

A lo largo de mi experiencia profesional he conversado con muchos emprendedores. Algunos muy emocionados me contaban sus emprendimientos con frases..
Singular Technology 4D Service Models (V2-3)

Throughout my professional experience I have spoken with many entrepreneurs. Some very excited told me about their endeavors with phrases..
Singular Technology 4D Service Models (V2-4)

A lo largo de mi experiencia profesional he conversado con muchos emprendedores. Algunos muy emocionados me contaban sus emprendimientos con frases..
Singular Technology 4D Service Models (V2-5)

Throughout my professional experience I have spoken with many entrepreneurs. Some very excited told me about their endeavors with phrases..